I … can’t … keep … up

Seriously, stop blogging. Just for a day or two. 

Please …

How did it get this bad?

It started simply enough. I decided to automatically follow anyone who liked or commented on any one of my posts. Then to make sure that I read them, I went to “Blogs I Follow” and made sure I got an email notification for every new post. I figured that anyone who liked or commented on one of my posts was a like-minded spirit and would be interesting to follow. More or less this turned out to be a correct assumption.

Others turned out not so much. Some had long, rambling (boring) tl;dr posts that I just couldn’t wade through. Some posted every minute of every day and flooded my email with posts. Some posted on topics that were of absolutely no interest to me. So for these I went back to “Blogs I Follow” and turned off email notification.

Now I was down to the blogs that were interesting. Your blogs. Your stories. Your cats. Your photos. Your news. Your ideas. Your humor. Your successes. Your fears. Your emotions. All of it good. All of it interesting.


Even as I write this, the email counter ratchets upward. Notifications are coming in faster than I can delete them. But I can’t just delete them. I have to look at them in order to delete them and then I read them and then I click on the link and go to the post and then I read the comments and by the time I’m done more notifications have come in. Even worse I may decide to reblog one. By the time I’m done, yet more notifications are in my mailbox.


I originally started this blog a few years ago as a venue for writing Fiction and autobiographical history. Then I started adding cat photos. Then reblogs of interesting posts and videos. Now I can’t even keep up with the blogs I follow.



(please …)


18 thoughts on “Please … STOP BLOGGING

  1. YES…this is EXACTLY how I feel! I can’t keep up! And the bad ones, oh the bad ones. I remember my college roommate was an art major and her drawings were TERRIBLE. and I always thought- someone needs to tell her she’s no damn good. And now…I feel that way again when I read some blogs. Someone needs to tell them…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. At least I am not alone.

      Sometimes I think that the Internet will be the downfall of humanity. Actually I’m beginning to think that all the time now. Only because of severe information overload. Everybody around the world sees everything that happens in real time 24x7x365.

      Stuff that would have gotten one or two minutes at most on the evening news back in the 60s is replayed over and over and over and over and over on the Internet on talk radio on cable television. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Others are out to get you. They’re different from you. The only way to be safe is to give up your freedom so we can protect you.

      But that is actually a totally different topic from this post. Yet somehow related. Information overload. And stress, the stress of not being able to keep up with the emails and the blogs.


      Liked by 1 person

  2. I think you can also change your notifications so that you get a weekly email for a blogger, instead of an email every time they post. And now I feel the need to apologize for posting so much, but it is part of my pain management program. So, I’m sorry, but tough noogies. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s OK to take a break, regroup, and come back. And like painkills2 said change your notifications. Breathe…..we’ve all been there. Woof! (PS, is now a good time to demand a return to THE STORY???? No?? C’mon, human.) Woof! (wags tail)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You can change your notification settings really easily from the WP Reader. Go to’Blogs I Follow’ and click ‘Manage’. This will give you a list (auto-default is chronoligical) of the blogs you follow. You choose your email notifications for posts and comments there, on a per-blog basis. You can choose to get post notifications immediately, weekly, or not at all. Ditto comments. And if you’re concerned about keeping up with comment conversations, just check them weekly (or whatever schedule suits you), either from your notifications widget (found in the upper right hand corner of your screen when you are logged in), or via your Dashboard, under ‘Comments I’ve Made’.

    Easy, peasy. No email necessary.

    I have my settings configured so I only get email notifications if someone likes my post, makes a comment on my post, or likes a comment I’ve made. If you don’t want those notifications, go to ‘Settings’ on your Dashboard and adjust your notification settings.

    Happy Un-plugging! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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